
Sweet 1-2-3-4

What a great sweet! The name says it all. 1-2-3-4! We had this sweet at a family friend's place and my hubby fell in love with it. So I made as a post run treat. Calories -yes, but taste -

Recipe courtesy - Lalitha Venugopal aka Lalli akka

The measurement is in the name.
1 part ghee or clarified butter
2 part coconut
3 part sugar
4 part milk
I used 1 cup ghee, 2 cups tightly packed coconut, 3 cups sugar and 4 cups milk.
Cardamom essence - 1 tsp (optional)
Don't forget you need -


The mixture splutters like a volcano.

And keep 2 large plates lightly greased ready.

Now the process of making:
Take the 2 cups of grated coconut and grind it into a coarse paste with 2 cups of milk.
Take a heavy bottomed pan and pour in the ground coconut, rest of the milk, sugar and ghee.
Stir well and turn on the flame.
Boil. Stir. Boil. Stir. Boil. Stir. Use those mittens. 

Till you reach this colour.

You are done with the exercise when you can draw a line in the middle of the vessel and the sweet only makes it way slowly to the middle. You can double check by reducing the flame and spreading 1tsp of the mixture on the greased plate. If it sets when cool, it is done.
If you are using cardamom essence, pour it now and stir well.

Pour the prepared sweet on the greased plates and try to make the top smooth.

Cut when cool into desired shape. 
This sweet stays well for more than a week at a room temperature. 

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