
10 minute cupcake

Husband : I was hungry so I ate I one of those cupcakes you had baked for the kids. It was good. So I had 1 more. Then 1 more!!
Total count : 3!!

And the best part is they are very easy to make!!
When I made it , the first time, they came out so yummy, I was forced to make another batch for the kids to take to school. But it was so easy, I did not mind at all!
After I send the kids off, the first thing I did was to call up my friends and share the easy recipe with them! They too hit jackpots!! One of them even made some for a charity sale at school!!

If you don't mind beating eggs in your mixer / mixie bowl, then this recipe gets ready in a jiffy.

Yield - 10-12 medium cupcakes

Sugar - 1/2 cup, powdered
Oil - 1/2 cup
Eggs - 2
Milk - 1/4 cup
Maida / all purpose flour - 1 cup
Baking powder - 1 tsp
Essence - 1 tsp
(strawberry concentrate, orange essence, almond essence, vanilla)

If you want to bake chocolate cup cakes, then just remove 2 tbsp of flour and add 2 tbsp of cocoa powder. Use vanilla / chocolate / orange essence.

To be done ahead:
Preheat the oven to 180 C.
Line 12 cupcake moulds and keep ready.

Sieve the flour and baking powder with cocoa powder (if using) and keep aside.
Beat the oil and sugar for 1 minute.
Beat in 1 egg at a time.
Mix the milk with the essence and add to the sugar + oil + egg mix.
Next add the sieved flour and baking powder. Do not beat the flour in, just mix well.
Pour into the prepared cupcake moulds and bake for 10-15 minutes.
The skewer must come out clean when inserted in the middle.